Browsing by Author "585c263a-59c3-49e8-849d-ed996b8db961"
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Multiple HPV infections among men who have sex with men engaged in anal cancer screening in Abuja, Nigeria
Nowak, Rebecca G.; Schumaker, Lisa M.; Ambulos, Nicholas P.; Ndembi, Nicaise; Dauda, Wuese; Nnaji, Chinedu H.; Mitchell, Andrew; Mathias, Trevor J.; Jibrin, Paul; Darragh, Teresa M.; Olaomi, Oluwole; Crowell, Trevor A.; Baral, Stefan D.; Charurat, Manhattan E.; Bentzen, Søren M.; Palefsky, Joel M.; Cullen, Kevin J. (2020)Background: Anal precancers and cancers can be detected during screening with high-resolution anoscopy (HRA). The sensitivity of HRA depends on the burden and duration of human papillomavirus (HPV) among those screened as ...