• Queering/Querying Cosmopolitanism: Queer Spaces in Shanghai 

      Bao, Hongwei (2011)
      This article examines different types of queer spaces in contemporary Shanghai together with the various same-sex subjects that inhabit these spaces. In doing so, it discusses the impact of transnational capitalism, the ...
    • Queering/Querying Cosmopolitanism: Queer Spaces in Shanghai 

      Bao, Hongwei (2011)
      This article examines different types of queer spaces in contemporary Shanghai together with the various same-sex subjects that inhabit these spaces. In doing so, it discusses the impact of transnational capitalism, the ...
    • Queering/Querying Cosmopolitanism: Queer Spaces in Shanghai 

      Bao, Hongwei (2011)
      This article examines different types of queer spaces in contemporary Shanghai together with the various same-sex subjects that inhabit these spaces. In doing so, it discusses the impact of transnational capitalism, the ...