Browsing Aufsatz in Sammelband by Subject "Heteronormativity"
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Le unione civili in Italia : Una critica queer
(Universität Rostock Rostock, 2017)On the basis of the Italian law on civil partnerships this article focuses on the rationality of the neo-liberal political and economic actors who are able at the same time to align themselves with the fight for the legal ... -
(Neue) LiebesOrdnungen : Queer-Feministische Perspektiven in der Hochschullehre ; Französische und Italienische Literaturwissenschaft in der Lehramtsausbildung
(Universität Rostock Rostock, 2017)Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management have long been discussed in university politics. However, the implementation of gender equality and diversity concepts are still based on gender binary and non-holistic approaches ...