• Biopolitics and Displaced Bodies 

      Ince, Güler ( Göttingen, 2018)
      For a geographic “place” to become a “homeland” or “home”, a community sharing a common cul- tural background has to take root there. The acquired place then forms part of the “body” of that community. Displacement turns ...
    • Introduction to the Special Issue 

      Hofmann, Susanne; Senoguz, Hatice Pinar ( Göttingen, 2018)
      Diese Sonderausgabe geht auf das Sommersymposium Reconsidering gender-based violence in the context of displacement and migration zurück, welches am 6. und 7. Juli 2017 an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen stattfand. In ...
    • National Belonging and Violent Norms of Gendered Migrant Citizenship 

      Dinkelaker, Samia ( Göttingen, 2018)
      This article takes into view negotiations over the behaviour of Hong Kong-based Indonesian domes- tic workers as morally upright and respectable citizens. In collaboration with private agencies, the Indonesian government ...
    • Song of My Mother 

      Yilmaz, Tebessüm ( Göttingen, 2018)
      In the 1990s, Bakur (also known as ‘Turkish Kurdistan’) was exposed to mass state-inflicted violence. To supress the Kurdish insurgence and cut off the logistic support of the PKK (the Kurdistan Work- ers’ Party; Kurdish: ...